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The Inspire and Achieve Foundation (IAF) is a local charity, based in Mansfield that reaches out into the wider D2N2 area,. We exist solely to help troubled, neglected and disadvantaged young people aged 16 to 26 find the support they need to overcome or manage their problems and take positive steps towards finding work.

Many of the young people IAF help lack confidence, grew up in care, have poor mental health, a criminal record, addictions, or are homeless. They simply don’t have the support in their life to help them overcome their issues. Others leave education with little or no qualifications. These background barriers in turn affect their ability to gain, and sustain employment, education and training opportunities.

Rock Climbing

About us

IAF look at a young person’s potential rather than judge them on their past and make sure they get another chance. 65% of those we support are able to move into employment, education or training each year as a result. We are prepared to do whatever it takes to be accessible to every young person who is in need. From home visits, to prison picks ups – when we’re called on, we will be there.


IAF deliver outreach projects which offer the one-to-one support young people need to progress, and provide programmes and workshops to improve their work skills, social skills, employability and confidence. Through these programmes, we ensure that our young people have the best chance of gaining a place on a college course or have routes into employment or voluntary work.

Our approach to supporting young people is unique in that we think outside the box, and allow young people to consider their own future and steps to achieve it. We take a very proactive and engaging approach that allows us to be as flexible and adaptable as required in order to best engage young people and to ensure their ambitions are within reach.

Unlike many other providers, our support doesn’t end when the young person reaches employment or education. We understand that, for many, this is still a point in their lives that may still require additional support in order to have the best chance of sustaining that amazing progression.

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